If you have never grown an eggplant plant…..you really should. They take well to growing in a pot, they have beautiful purple flowers and they produce for a long, long time. This year we grew the large eggplants rather than the Japanese version. I love my grilled eggplant Parmesan- big slices of eggplant, light coat of olive oil, big slice of tomato, all grilled and then sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and fresh basil leaves. I could probably have that every day and not grow tired of it.
One large eggplant will make a nice size eggplant Parmesan- which is a casserole. I use a small glass cake pan- but it would turn out nice in a cast iron skillet too. Make an egg wash and a flour or cracker crumb coating. Heat olive oil in a large flat skillet (yes, you could use the cast iron skillet and then move it to the oven- smart!!). Wash the eggplant and slice in 3/4 inch to 1 inch slices. Dip in the seasoned flour/crumbs, then egg, then back in flour/crumbs. Fry both sides until nicely brown. Arrange in the baking dish or wipe out the skillet and arrange in the skillet. Cover with a marinara sauce or your leftover vegetarian spaghetti sauce. Finally top with slices or shredded mozzarella cheese and bake 30 minutes at 350 or until cheese is melted, bubbly and turning brown. Cool slightly and serve.
- large eggplant or two- depending on how many you plan to serve (over 3 use 2 eggplants)
- marinara sauce- 2- 4 cups
- mozzarella cheese- 2 cups shredded
- egg for egg wash
- flour/crumbs- seasoned with salt, pepper, Italian seasoning
- olive oil